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Monday, July 29, 2013

Random Thought #165

What time is it? Time is such an interesting thing isn't it? There never seems to be enough of it unless of course you're doing something you hate or are bored stiff, then it seems to creep along like molasses. According to Einstein, time is relative and is another dimension through which we experience reality. But like it or not, time is always with us. I read an interesting line in my book yesterday about Christ coming in the "Meridian of Time". What does that mean? What kind of implications does that have? Many people think it is the middle point in history. That's why we divide time up between BC and AD. A lot of people estimate that Adam lived about 4000 years before Christ so if time was measured since the first man appeared, then we've got about 1986 or so years left. (Sometimes I wonder if I can last another day). But what about Pre-Adamites? I mean dinosaurs supposedly roamed the earth 65+ millions years ago and there were creatures here before them (let's not get into the biological support system conversation here). Did time exist for them? When did time start? Who measures it? Did the people living before Christ count down? How could they? They didn't know that time was gonna start counting upwards after Christ was born. So how did they measure time? Why are we so preoccupied with time? Heavenly Father doesn't seem to think in terms of time. After all, when everything is eternal, time kinda loses its pizzaz. He obviously is aware of our time or how we measure it because he taught Abraham somewhat of how time on Earth relates to time where He lives. Before we get too far down the rabbit hole, let's return to the Meridian of Time question. For those of you who hated math in school, the middle point is called the "median" not the "meridian"....just sayin. The common definition for meridian is "a point or period of highest development, greatest prosperity, or the like" or "of or indicating a period of greatest prosperity, splendor, success, etc." I think the birth of the Savior of the world probably meets this definition fairly well. So why is it that we started counting time differently around this time? Does it really have anything to do with time? Or is it just a marker of a miraculous and wonderful event that we chose to mark and reference all other time in relation to it? I guess time will tell ;)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Random Thought #164

This guy tackle probably one of the most complicated topics in philosophy, science, or religion; that of consciousness. I must admit that he oversimplifies quite a bit and rushes through his explanations and expects you to take them at face value but he does make a few good points. For a more in depth approach to this difficult issue, I recommend reading the book that I'm currently engaged in reading "Define Universe and Give Two Examples" by Barton E Dahneke. Its a very good read and treats this subject in a more thorough manner but perhaps this talk will at least spark your interest and get your noodle cookin'


Random Thought #163

This guy is very talented and quite entertaining. I love his sense of humor and sense of joy in what he does. Enjoy!


Random Thought #162

I just had to share this comic with you because I find it so appropriate to me. Its now my laptop wallpaper. Hope you enjoy it. It is from cartoonist Arie Van de Graff who has a blog called Mormon Cartoonist. His site is at www.mormoncartoonist.com You should definitely go check it out and enjoy. I've added his site as a link below for your reference.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Random Thought #161

This is quite an interesting talk that addresses I think a fundamental difference in culture between generations. In the <= Baby Boomer generation, who you were was tied to your family, home, upbringing, status, position, etc. Perhaps this is a product of their surroundings but this has changed dramatically with >= Generation X. Starting with my generation and onwards, we define ourselves more with our relationship to others. It doesn't matter where we are or who we are around, we are fluid and adaptive and everyone is on an equal level. I think that is partly what is being addressed here. I notice this distinction especially at work. Its easy to see because there was a big hiring freeze between Baby Boomer and Gen X so the lines are quite clearly drawn. As with anything, there can definitely be a little overlap but it just seems that the perspective and culture around these groups of generations is very wide and gaping and its interesting to see what caused this. My thought is that our surroundings and circumstances have a profound impact on who we are.

For your viewing pleasure - http://www.ted.com/talks/pico_iyer_where_is_home.html

Random Thought #160

I've always appreciated nature and found it extremely complex and yet so beautifully simple. I've studied about Fi and its role in the natural world. I find that everything is designed just so perfectly that everything is in balance with everything else. Its so peaceful and uplifting. Its just good. Well, this TED talk about the soundscapes of nature and the levels of sound in nature (geophonies, biophonies, and anthrophonies) made me appreciate its beauty that much more. It also reminds me of man's impact. When Adam was created, God gave him dominion over all things. Many people interpret that as him being placed on the top rung of all creations and that everything was supposed to obey him. He was in charge. He WAS in charge but dominion means responsibility. It was his responsibility to take care of all of God's creations. We haven't done a very good job at fulfilling our inherited duty. One of my favorite prophets was Brigham Young because this was something he felt strongly about and both taught and practiced. I hope you enjoy the sounds and stories. This talk inspired me to find a new channel on Pandora called Nature Sounds. Its very relaxing and peaceful at work.


Random Thought #159

OK. This kid is just too cool. He reminds me of me a little and he is doing what I would love to be doing right now. He found a problem, researched it on the internet, did some testing, got turned down, and then found a way to do it anyways and blew everyone out of the water! There are so many things about him and his situation that remind me of myself. Bored with traditional methods of training and instruction. Nobody has bothered to re-evaluate or change the way things had been done before. He challenged the thinking. Used his brain and logic and a little determination along with the power of the internet and completely revolutionized part of healthcare which could affects hundreds or thousands of people. And best of all, he isn't doing it to make money. Its all about the science and benefitting others. I wish I was doing what he is doing.


Random Thought #158

When you look at the great scientific and technological achievements over the years, its quite amazing that most of the major discoveries and advancements have happened in the last 300-400 years, basically since the Renaissance. The last fundamentally major achievement was invariably the Internet and the coming of the Information Age. So what's next? Have we plateaued? Well everyone keeps talking about String Theory, Quantum Mechanics and a GUT (Grand Unified Theory) or TOE (Theory of Everything) and others have talked about communicating with alien species. I even read today that we've finally created a biological transistor so we can create biological computers (that one kind of freaks me out). Well here is one interesting thought and the same people that put together ARPAnet (i.e. The Internet) is now going to fund this initiative. Check it out.


Random Thought #157

I absolutely love these guys. Great music. Great Energy. Great Talent. Great Attitudes. Great Kids. Enjoy.


Random Thought #156

After watching this TED talk, I really had a better appreciation for other cultures and their ways. I've never believed in the US trying to push democracy onto other countries that are trying to rebuild. Its a system but its not THE system. It was designed for a particular place and a particular time and I believe the same is true for many other parts of the world too. Many will claim that the Founding Fathers were inspired by God to draft this constitution and form this country and I do not dispute that. It was the only place at the time that could allow for religious freedom and that's what God needed to restore His church. That doesn't mean that its God's system or His way of doing things. It is A way. Its not like we're living by the Law of Consecration here anyways. I just think its interesting to see how other cultures seem to get along just fine with the systems they have in place. China is a very interesting case. Hope you enjoy
