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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Random Thought #155

The speaker is a little odd to me but her point is quite poignant. Questioning standards and ideals is healthy and quite necessary as long as its done with the right intent. Some fear questioning simply because they don't like to stand out or like to take the easy road but doubt and asking questions is healthy and a necessary element of faith. Worth the view.


Random Thought #154

The crazier the world thinks I am, the more normal I seem - Me

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Random Thought #153

This is such a powerful story. It reminds me of how there is so much suffering in the world and how blessed we are here in the states. It also reminds me of how ignorant we are of the needs of others around us and how selfish and self-centered we can be here in this country. We sit over here and watch our pointless television shows while people are scraping for their life every second of every day. I hope this brings some perspective. http://www.ted.com/talks/joseph_kim_the_family_i_lost_in_north_korea_and_the_family_i_gained.html

Random Thought #152

I just thought this was a pretty cool demonstration. Quadcopters and physics. Not for everyone but I thought it was kind of neat. http://www.ted.com/talks/raffaello_d_andrea_the_astounding_athletic_power_of_quadcopters.html

Friday, June 7, 2013

Random Thought #151

Creation is an interesting thing. There is that word "thing" again. Creation appears to be an iterative and long drawn-out process. Let me provide a few examples.

1. Creation of a computer script
2. Creation of a new business.
3. Creation of a new baby
4. Creation of a world

Let me just preface this by saying that this is not a skill or talent I have. For me, in order to create, the creator either needs to be able to see from the beginning to the end in all possible scenarios (extremely difficult) or they have to start with a base and as they encounter issues or roadblocks, they need to be able to add to their existing creation and still maintain within scope of their original plan (still fairly difficult). I believe the latter of these two alternatives occurs more often than not.

In the case of a computer script, a programmer either starts from a template or has to code from scratch. Even in the scratch scenario, there is a set paradigm or set of rules for programming. This helps to form the basic structure and uniformity of all scripts while allowing them to differ in content and function quite drastically. Programmers will typically have a vision of what they want their script to do and will start with setting up initial variables that can be used later in the script and are flexible in nature as well as core functions or sub-routines which perform a specific task. Little by little, the programmer has to build little snippets of code that do a portion of the overall functionality. (Knowledge) Then they have to test it to see if their assumptions were correct. Invariably there will be errors and they will need to be corrected and re-tested. Eventually that section of code will work as designed and its on to the next portion of functionality (iteration) which goes through the same process. As the script develops, functions are re-used for different purposes and you start to notice patterns and the general vision of the script starts to emerge. (Understanding) The programmer also has to ensure that each individual section of code is still built not only to do its job but also work together in unison with the other portions to achieve the overall purpose and vision for the script. (Meaning)

Creation of a new business or entrepreneurship follows the same pattern. The entrepreneur comes up with a vision for his business. There are initial rules that govern how businesses are regulated and how they must operate or even organize themselves. Usually a business plan is drafted up and either used as a template or presented for venture capital or other funding. Businesses usually start small offering a basic service or product (Knowledge) and over time, more services or products are offered in the same way or potentially different ways to differentiate the various aspects or units of the business. (Understanding) Eventually, successful companies find a way to continuously grow their company and yet stay align with their vision (Meaning)

Creation of a baby is slightly different as most of the creative process happens kind of like a computer script executing. We kind of just light the match or knock over the domino (for lack of better terms), but the process is essentially the same. There are basic laws of nature and a template (DNA) that govern how babies are made. Cells begin to divide and create organs and critical organs such as the heart and brain form first (Knowledge), then over time more and more organs develop and start interacting with each other to perform more complicated tasks (Understanding) and eventually a new baby is born. (Meaning)

With world creation, again, a template is used but also the ability to differentiate and create from scratch. You have fundamental laws of physics that govern matter and elemental forces, etc. Basic matter and elements organized (water, earth, lights, etc) (Knowledge), then add more complex items such as plants and animals and their respective food chains (Understanding), then ultimately humans and their free will (Meaning) as that is one of the purposes of creating worlds. All of these scenarios tend to follow the same basic principles of creation as I list them below as I see them and in no particular order:

1. a vision or plan
2. basic rules or structure governing the process
3. a template of some sort for the sake of uniformity and order
4. the ability to differentiate and provide for unique versions of that base template
5. iteration
6. start small or simple
7. test and tweak
8. add complexity based on foundational developments
9. Complex yet simple (this one is hard to describe, it just makes sense in my mind)
10. Beautiful in its own special way

Random Thought #150

I've been considering going back to school for awhile now and weighing the benefits of going back to school vs just learning on my own. I've decided to go back to school but I'm not entirely sure I'm doing it for the right reasons, merely the necessary reasons. In the book I referenced that I'm reading, it talks about 3 levels of learning but it also talks about 3 levels of learning from another perspective. It talks about facts and the knowing of them (Knowledge), The recognition of patterns and themes in the knowledge (Understanding), and the useful and productive application of that understanding (Meaning). This is also referred to in David A Bednar's book "Increase in Learning", another book I highly recommend. It just occurred to me (again in the shower) that a core part of our life, education, is nothing but a very elementary level of learning. We go through 13 years of school and at least 4 years of college studies doing nothing but learning facts and increasing our knowledge. The strange part is that employers and future success put such a high value on just basic learning. You can't even get a job today to support yourself without this piece of paper that says you know how to memorize facts. Doesn't that seem odd? Granted, in some areas and schools, they have taken in a bit further and done case studies and internships to help you start understanding how those facts fit together but it is by no means the norm or required to get a job and be "successful". Why is that? I would think that value would be placed upon a higher level of learning, that of Meaning or useful and practical application of understanding. This could also be called experience. One of my favorite authors, Hugh Nibley, regularly criticizes fellow scholars because they do nothing but spit out facts that nobody else are likely to know in their special field of study or expertise and consider themselves experts and that we should value their "expert opinion". He mocks the higher education system because it fails to provide true learning. He sees no value in a PhD or other degree because it doesn't really mean anything, and yet it means everything to the world.

I believe the same concept applies to the gospel. We can be complete gospel scholars and know all there is to know (which is great, don't get me wrong) but if that's all it is and it never grows from there, then we have failed to grasp the point of the gospel. Why do we cover the same material over and over again in our lessons and Sunday School? Why do we give Sunday School answers? Are we not simply repeating back bits of memorized knowledge? Where is the understanding? Where is the meaning? Where is the application? They say that people become wise with age. Why do you think that is? I believe that it is because they have experienced so much more and have progressed in their ladder of learning.

So back to the question, to go back to school or not to go back to school? I guess it depends on the motivation and the goal at hand. Just remember, a college education is good but it is not the end, it is only the beginning of our learning.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Thought #149

Have you ever said a word over and over and over again in your head? It seems like the more you say it, the stranger it sounds. I wonder why that is. Language is absurd. I think we should all just convert to selective telepathy.

Random Thought #148

What is a "thing"? Is it an object, an idea, a filler word? We use thing in so many different ways, it seems like thing doesn't really have a true definition, it changes depending on the context. Dictionary.com has an interesting definition "some entity, object, or creature that is not or cannot be specifically designated or precisely described". So thing is used in place of something we can't describe but we can't really explicitly describe thing so is thing a thing?

Random Thought #147

I have no idea why, but almost all of the ideas for this blog come to me in the shower. Strange huh!?

Random Thought #146

In the most recent book I've been reading "Define Universe and give two examples" by Barton Dahneke, I've already discovered someone who is eloquent enough with words to describe ideas that have been in my head for awhile so I thought I would use of them and put it here. One of the ideas put forth in this book is the concept of universal truth and the search involved with finding universal truth. The author describes 3 categories of learners.

1. One who doesn't know and realizes he or she doesn't know and wants to learn
2. One who doesn't know but thinks that he or she does and is not ready to learn
3. one who doesn't know and doesn't care

I thought that was a brilliant way of describing people's attitudes towards learning. It goes along with my post on Sci-Fi and how people approach new facts. What was also fascinating was that there is universal truth but people perceive the same set of facts differently based on their paradigm or system of beliefs which is formed based on previous experiences. We tend to gloss over items that fall in line with our paradigm but things that seem odd or different or difficult to understand are potentially items that are new to our paradigm or conflict with it and how we choose to encounter those objects largely shapes the future direction of that paradigm. If we fall into a category 1 learner, we recognize that this new fact doesn't fit with our paradigm and we're eager to understand why so that we can hopefully assimilate that new fact into our paradigm, thus expanding it and getting a bigger piece of the puzzle. If we are a category 2 or category 3 learning, we typically dismiss the new fact and our paradigm never changes, thus leaving us stagnant or perhaps even degrading our paradigm. Its quite an interesting book and although I've only started Chapter 2, I already highly recommend it to anyone who is curious.

Random Thought #145

I love Sci-Fi. For all the weirdness of aliens and strange worlds and gadgets, those who write about Science Fiction are truly visionaries and they leave their minds open to endless possibilities. I like this kind of thinking because it doesn't constrain the human potential and curiosity. It lets them roam free. Its interesting that many of the things that seem futuristic and impossible 50 years ago are now realities or soon will be. Think about Dick Tracy's watch or Captain Kirk's communicator? Pretty soon, we're gonna have computers built into our watches. Its the latest craze. Or consider it from this perspective. Everyone nowadays has a cell phone pretty much. Think just 150 years ago, if you showed someone a cell phone, they would think its some sort of witchcraft or sorcery or magic. Shoot, you might have been killed for playing with dark magic. If we never let our minds expand and play freely, we'll never make any kinds of new discoveries or learn anything. If there is something I don't understand or can't comprehend, I take the approach, that its possible and I just don't know how to do it yet and I want to learn how. Its so much more liberating and exciting and you never run out of things to learn or random thoughts ;)

Random Thought #144

Alone. I've had a couple of life experiences recently which have opened my eyes. Its quite amazing how hard it is to truly understand a concept until you've experienced it. People can describe a concept to you or rationalize theories but until you actually experience it, you never really know and understand. This principle was enforced with much deeper effect upon me as it applies to a couple of principles of the gospel. President Monson has repeatedly asked us to render service to our brothers and sisters. He tells many stories from his life when he has done so and made a difference in someone's life. He always seems to have a story about a widow as well. How many of us consciously think about the widows in our ward? Do we even know who they are? I know I never really considered it. Both of my grandpas have passed away within the last two years leaving both of my grandmas as widows. The concept never hit home until it happened to "me". I think to myself, who is going to look after them? Who will visit them? It must be so hard and so lonely for them. It brought me to an awareness but it still didn't happen directly to "me". Right now, my family is half way across the world and I am alone and will be for a couple of months. I am alone. Now I have a happy reunion to look forward to but it "in a way" happened to "me". I now know what it feels like to be alone. It is sad, lonely, scary, and at times miserable. I can only imagine how a widow must feel, especially not knowing when the separation will end. It must be even worse for those who don't have the gospel in their lives. It makes you appreciate the sealing power so so so so so so so much more. It makes you thank Heavenly Father for families, for sealings, for our eternal nature. When the scriptures refer to wailing and gnashing of teeth, imagine being alone for eternity. I think wailing and gnashing of teeth is putting it mildly. There are even reality TV shows now where people go out on a deserted island and try to survive on their own. They go absolutely bonkers. We need interaction, to be social, to have someone. I can't say as though I've flipped overnight and am going to go and find and visit all of the widows of my ward but I thank Heavenly Father for giving me this revelation and this experience when I was ready for it. It gives me a glimpse of what I still need to learn and who I need to become.

Random Thought #143

I love people who buck the trend, break the mold, and think outside the box. The inventor shown in this video is one of those kind of people and his invention is quite amusing and fun to play with. I especially think its interesting because I'm an IT guy. I hope you guys find it enjoyable too. http://www.ted.com/talks/jay_silver_hack_a_banana_make_a_keyboard.html