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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Thought #144

Alone. I've had a couple of life experiences recently which have opened my eyes. Its quite amazing how hard it is to truly understand a concept until you've experienced it. People can describe a concept to you or rationalize theories but until you actually experience it, you never really know and understand. This principle was enforced with much deeper effect upon me as it applies to a couple of principles of the gospel. President Monson has repeatedly asked us to render service to our brothers and sisters. He tells many stories from his life when he has done so and made a difference in someone's life. He always seems to have a story about a widow as well. How many of us consciously think about the widows in our ward? Do we even know who they are? I know I never really considered it. Both of my grandpas have passed away within the last two years leaving both of my grandmas as widows. The concept never hit home until it happened to "me". I think to myself, who is going to look after them? Who will visit them? It must be so hard and so lonely for them. It brought me to an awareness but it still didn't happen directly to "me". Right now, my family is half way across the world and I am alone and will be for a couple of months. I am alone. Now I have a happy reunion to look forward to but it "in a way" happened to "me". I now know what it feels like to be alone. It is sad, lonely, scary, and at times miserable. I can only imagine how a widow must feel, especially not knowing when the separation will end. It must be even worse for those who don't have the gospel in their lives. It makes you appreciate the sealing power so so so so so so so much more. It makes you thank Heavenly Father for families, for sealings, for our eternal nature. When the scriptures refer to wailing and gnashing of teeth, imagine being alone for eternity. I think wailing and gnashing of teeth is putting it mildly. There are even reality TV shows now where people go out on a deserted island and try to survive on their own. They go absolutely bonkers. We need interaction, to be social, to have someone. I can't say as though I've flipped overnight and am going to go and find and visit all of the widows of my ward but I thank Heavenly Father for giving me this revelation and this experience when I was ready for it. It gives me a glimpse of what I still need to learn and who I need to become.

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