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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Random Thought #217

Should we live for our resume or our eulogy? I think this is a great question and one that I have often wrestled with myself. From a theoretical perspective, of course, everyone would say that they would live for their eulogy or the "Adam II" lifestyle but practicalities of this world make that extremely difficult. This is our ultimate test. I find the author very elegant in his portrayal of this fundamental dilemma.


Random Thought #216



Random Thought #215

Are we alone in this universe? This is a question that has been asked time and time again by scientists and non-scientists alike. D&C 88:51-61 would seem to indicate that we are not. The Lord speaking to Moses talks about worlds without number has He created. Imagine how many other worlds have been created by Gods other than Him. Heavenly Father himself is an exalted being but He wasn't always that way. Imagine how many others there are like Him that each have their creations and how far back that pattern must go. It simply blows your mind. I recently read a book that is called "The Kolob Theorem" that posits that all of Heavenly Father's creations are contained within the Milky Way and that the star Kolob is near the center of the galaxy and that all the other galaxies are kingdoms of other gods like Heavenly Father. It makes a lot of sense and I definitely recommend the read to anyone interested but here is a little science that may also back this up


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Random Thought #214

The natural world never ceases to amaze me. I didn't realize that there was an entire world of parasites that take over their host's body or brain to do whatever they ultimately want. Crazy creepy and cool


Random Thought #213

This is a bit of a long and drawn out talk but there is an important point that is being made here. The focus here is that seemingly opposing points of view or disciplines can actually be supplemental to each other when considered together. In this particular talk, the focus is on art vs engineering. Typically, one would assume, and it is often still taught this way, that these two disciplines are on opposite sides of the spectrum but as is shown here, they are supplemental in that when combined, they produce something that neither could produce on its own.

I've also seen this played out in conversations between science and religion. They are often seen as opposites and that you can't have both points of view as they are contradictory to one another. I've actually found that science only helps us understand concepts within religion and where there are apparent disagreements, science simply hasn't developed to a point where it can adequately explain everything but perhaps someday it will. I find this supplemental approach is much more gratifying in the long run


Random Thought #212

So much of the major discoveries in science today only seem to take place in developed countries at institutions of higher learning. They cost so much money to test and discover and only seem to benefit that same strata. What about the rest of the world? Why can't they participate in discovery? There is likely so much untapped potential in the world but they don't have access to the tools for it. That's why I like inventions like this one that make science and discovery accessible to all.


Random Thought #211

WOW! Its been over a year since my last post. If anyone is still following this, they have likely given up on me ever updating this thing again. Well, for those who are loyal, I've not stopped coming up with random thoughts. They are safely tucked away in my email just waiting for me to spend some time putting them here in the blog. Here we go.

Kids nowadays seem so disenchanted with school and are quite frankly bored. Its not hard to understand why though. While society in general has had to keep up with the times and deal with near-instantaneous information and results, schools haven't really changed much. Schools need to get kids involved. It needs to be hands on, not wrote memorization and tests. I was never any good at music but the way this guys teaches fundamental concepts of music is much more engaging and entertaining. Take a look
