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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Random Thought #27

No more disposition to do evil, seek for treasures in heaven and not for treasures on the earth, live in the world, but not of the world, seeketh not her own, when you are in the service of your fellow man, cast aside your nets and bear up your cross and come follow me. These are all statements that describe a changed heart. They are descriptions of attributes that someone has who has forsaken the world and chosen Christ. I am by no means perfect, but I can honestly say that I've had a change of heart. I think one of the biggest and most definitive tests to see if a man's heart and thoughts are in the right place is to see how he responds to the challenge of leaving everything behind and following Christ, would he have even a shred of a second thought? The thing is, if you have any care whatsoever for the things of this world, you would have that second thought. If you despise this world and the things of this world, you are anxious to get rid of it. You view things differently. You see things in this earth as temporary and we only abide them so as to exist in peace and harmony but we have no affinity towards these things. We care not for them. Many would say they fear death, the Apocalype, the Second Coming of Christ. Others would look forward to all of these things. We are described as a peculiar people because we don't fit in. That's a good thing. We should stick out like a sore thumb. We probably think people of this world are weird because they have weird attractions to things of this world. They love things and money and do not fear God. We sometimes look at them and raise our eyebrow as if not understanding how they could think or act that way.

I used to be big into Twitter and would keep up to date on all the latest happenings of the tech world, but nowadays, I have completely quit Twitter and have no desire to return or get involved at all. The Lord has blessed me with other ways of staying relavant in my field so that I can support my family, but its just a means to an end. It means nothing to me. I often spend much of my days studying and learning about other more important things. I have no earthly aspirations. It means nothing to me. Many would say that I'm strange or peculiar, but I find it perfectly normal and those that will backstab and step on anyone to get more power, fame, money, advancement in this world make no sense to me. They are missing something.

I've also found that as I read and study more, the world makes more and more sense and I can see how mankind has corrupted everything and will eventually self-destruct. Its like I have "eyes to see and ears to hear". I know there is much I still don't understand, but I feel like I have a worthwhile purpose and direction and I'm happy. I think the Lord is also happy, because I'm happy.

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