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Monday, October 8, 2012

Random Thought # 120

Have you ever wondered why your hands and feet get all wrinkly when you leave them in water too long? Well I was caught wondering that the other day so I deceided to check it out. Apparently the outer layer of your skin (epidermis) and yes, your skin has multiple layers, is filled with dead keratin. That's the same stuff as what your fingernails and toenails are made of. This outer layer is also covered by an oily substance called sebum which is what leaves fingerprints. Sebum is hydrophobic (doesn't like water) so it helps keep water from getting in all the time. Well, after awhile of soaking, the sebum washes off and underneath is this keratin. Well despite being "dead", keratin is quite hydrophilic. (it likes water). As you soak in the water, the keratin is having a field day filling up on all the water it can causing that outer layer of skin to enlarge and bulge out causing rolls in your skin. You may ask, why would you blow up all over? Why does it bulge? Well the epidermis is tied down to the under layer (the dermis) at certain spots, and so where its not tied down, it bulges out causing wrinkles. After you get out, two things happen, you feel like your skin is dry (cause you got no sebum) and you start to deflate. The water is evaporating and you are shrinking back down. That's why a lot of people apply lotion after a bath or shower, because they feel dry. Eventually your body produces more sebum and you're back to normal. Cool huh? Oh, by the way, that's also why your nails are so soft after soaking. The keratin in there absorbed water too. Just thought you'd like to know :)

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